Ready For a Reading Challenge?

Summer’s here! The summer holidays have finally arrived and that means: a lot of free time to spend. I love to dedicate a certain part of my leisure time to reading books. Unfortunately I don’t always manage to read as many books as I want during summer or any other holidays, which is probably a problem that concerns many bookworms like me. :P

So I came up with a reading challenge for this summer (and the following months ;D) for myself but everyone can join, of course! Let me know if you do! :)

Can someone tell me how to read 5 books in a month while being a student?! Anyway, usually I’d say just read a book that you feel like to read but if you want to challenge yourself a bit so you can push yourself further (or you just have so many books at home that you can’t decide which one to pick – like me) you might take a look on the following challenge points:

·        Read a book in a foreign language

      A perfect way to practise your language skills! I would like to read a book in French. You can read a book that you really like in another language. Harry Potter would be an option for me. If you want to read something in French, you can go for the classic book Le Petit Prince. Maybe you want to read a book in a language that you just know a few words of? I’ve found a book that’s written both in German (my first language) and Portuguese.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in three different languages: English, German and French

Left: Portuguese, Right: German

      Read the first book of a series

      It’s always a great feeling to start a new adventure, meet new characters, live in a different world and that goes on for a couple of books. I think series are amazing and many popular books at the moment are part of a series. You can start reading The Maze Runner, City of Bones or A Game of Thrones.

The first books of The Maze Runner Series, Divergent Series and Percy Jackson & the Olympians

      Read a book with a cover you really like

      Well, now you can judge a book by its cover. As well all know, we also buy with our eyes. So when you go to the library or the book store next time, look for a book that has a lovely cover. But maybe you already have a book at home that has a beautiful cover?

      Read a book that was written before you were born

      Not so hard to find, is it? You can read many classical books from different authors that were active before you explored the world; Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Agatha Christie, etc.

Three of the six novels written by Jane Austen

      Read a book with more than 500 pages

      In case you always read books with more than 500 pages than this point wouldn’t be a challenge for you at all. :P

      Read a book that you've purchased long ago but hadn't had time to read it until now

      Are you guilty of it? I am! xD There are loads of books in my shelve that I have bought about more than 2 years ago and never read them. Yes, I am ashamed. Are you too? :P

      Read the favourite book of someone you like (from family, friends, crush/girlfriend/boyfriend) and take recommendations

      As for me, my mum is also very keen on reading books and she loves crime novels. Her favourite series would be the one of Miss Marple, written by Agatha Christie. Reading a Miss Marple novel is definitely on my bucket list for the next months!
German Editions

     Read a book that you are "too old" or "too young" to read 

Why keeping track with the target group? If you aren’t part of it because of your age, who cares? Be rebellious. :P Best example would be: Harry Potter. Yes, it is originally a children’s book but does that really mean you can’t read it because you are an adult? No!

      Read a book that's out of your reading comfort zone

      I’m talking about trying out a new genre! Always reading fantasy? Try a thriller! Always reading romance stories? Read a book set in the Middle Ages! Maybe you will find a new favourite genre!

     Read a book that is also famous as a movie

Well, many films are based on books that were written maybe years before the release of them. You’ve only seen the movie and liked it a lot? Then pick up the book, you will probably love it! Examples would be The Fault in Our Stars, The Host or Where Rainbows End (Love, Rosie).

Book and movie tell the same story, just with a few differences

      Read an unknown book

      Found a book in the library or in the book store that you’ve never heard of? But it sounds really interesting? Then buy or lend it! You will be surprised how many books there are that aren’t bestsellers but contain such a great story!

      Read a book that is totally hyped and form your own opinion

      Everyone’s talking about that new novel? Then read it too and see if you like it. If you don’t, then that’s okay, everybody has their own opinion! Best example for these days would be Fifty Shades of Grey.

What do you think about this list? Did it inspire you to change your reading habits a bit?  Whether you fulfil these points with a book that you’ve read 10 times or with one that you haven’t read yet – your choice. :D Have fun reading!


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